Find the cubic root of 189.

A. 9√21
B. 27√7
C. 3√7
D. 3√7

which one is right?

To find the cubic root of 189, we need to find a number that, when multiplied by itself three times, equals 189.

We can try different numbers to see if any of them work.

If we try 1, 1 x 1 x 1 = 1. This is not equal to 189.

If we try 2, 2 x 2 x 2 = 8. This is not equal to 189.

If we try 3, 3 x 3 x 3 = 27. This is not equal to 189.

If we try 4, 4 x 4 x 4 = 64. This is not equal to 189.

If we try 5, 5 x 5 x 5 = 125. This is not equal to 189.

If we try 6, 6 x 6 x 6 = 216. This is not equal to 189.

If we try 7, 7 x 7 x 7 = 343. This is greater than 189.

Therefore, the cubic root of 189 is between 6 and 7. The correct answer is not listed in the options provided.

To find the cubic root of 189, we need to find a number that when multiplied by itself twice (cubed), equals 189.

We can use trial and error to find the answer.

If we try 3, cubing it gives us 3^3 = 27, which is less than 189.
If we try 4, cubing it gives us 4^3 = 64, which is less than 189.
If we try 5, cubing it gives us 5^3 = 125, which is still less than 189.
If we try 6, cubing it gives us 6^3 = 216, which is greater than 189.

Since the cubic root of 189 is between 5 and 6, let's try a number closer to 5.5.
If we try 5.5, cubing it gives us 5.5^3 ≈ 166.375, which is less than 189.
If we try 5.6, cubing it gives us 5.6^3 ≈ 178.416, which is less than 189.
If we try 5.7, cubing it gives us 5.7^3 ≈ 190.683, which is slightly greater than 189.

Therefore, the correct answer is approximately 5.7. However, none of the options given matches this result, so none of them is correct.

To find the cubic root of 189, we need to find a number that, when cubed, equals 189.

One way to find the cubic root is by using a calculator. Most scientific calculators have a cubic root function (usually denoted as "∛").

To calculate the cubic root of 189 using a calculator, you would follow these steps:
1. Enter the number 189.
2. Press the cubic root (∛) button.
3. Read the result on the calculator's display.

Based on the given options, let's calculate the cubic root of 189 for each option:

A. 9√21: To compare this option, we need to simplify 9√21. However, this is not a correct representation of a cubic root.

B. 27√7: Similarly, this option is not the correct representation of a cubic root.

C. 3√7: This option represents the cubic root of 7, which is interesting.

D. 3√7: This option is the same as option C, so it should also be the cubic root of 189.

Therefore, options C and D both represent the cubic root of 189.