How did its location help Kush become a powerful kingdom? (1 point) Responses It created competition with the powerful Egyptian kingdom. It created competition with the powerful Egyptian kingdom. It provided a trading link between Africa south of the Sahara and Egypt. It provided a trading link between Africa south of the Sahara and Egypt. It allowed the Kushites to grow enough food to be self-sufficient. It allowed the Kushites to grow enough food to be self-sufficient. It allowed the Kushites to travel by boat, which was faster than by foot.

Its location helped Kush become a powerful kingdom because it provided a trading link between Africa south of the Sahara and Egypt.

To determine how the location of Kush helped it become a powerful kingdom, we need to analyze the responses and select the most appropriate based on the information provided.

1. "It created competition with the powerful Egyptian kingdom."
2. "It provided a trading link between Africa south of the Sahara and Egypt."
3. "It allowed the Kushites to grow enough food to be self-sufficient."
4. "It allowed the Kushites to travel by boat, which was faster than by foot."

By examining these responses, we can eliminate answer 4, as it does not directly address the question. Looking at the remaining options, answer 1 simply repeats itself and does not provide new information. Answer 3 does not explicitly mention how location helped Kush become powerful, but rather focuses on food production.

Therefore, the most suitable response is answer 2: "It provided a trading link between Africa south of the Sahara and Egypt." This suggests that the strategic location of Kush allowed it to engage in trade and commerce with both the regions of Africa south of the Sahara and Egypt, leading to economic growth, increased influence, and ultimately becoming a powerful kingdom.