How did its location help Kush become a powerful kingdom?

(1 point)

It created competition with the powerful Egyptian kingdom.

It created competition with the powerful Egyptian kingdom.

It provided a trading link between Africa south of the Sahara and Egypt.

It provided a trading link between Africa south of the Sahara and Egypt.

It allowed the Kushites to grow enough food to be self-sufficient.

It allowed the Kushites to grow enough food to be self-sufficient.

It allowed the Kushites to travel by boat, which was faster than by foot.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

In ancient Egypt, those responsible for using hieroglyphics to record important information and maintain records were called

It provided a trading link between Africa south of the Sahara and Egypt.


What were the advantages of establishing Meroë as the new capital of Kush?

(1 point)

Meroë was located near iron deposits and trade routes.

Meroë was located near iron deposits and trade routes.

Meroë received less rain and flooding than Napata.

Meroë received less rain and flooding than Napata.

Meroë was a safer distance from the Nile.

Meroë was a safer distance from the Nile.

Meroë had fewer natural resources but was farther from Egypt.

Meroë had fewer natural resources but was farther from Egypt.

Meroë was located near iron deposits and trade routes.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

As Egypt established trade with Kush, the two areas began to develop ___________ , in which they relied on one another for goods and shared ideas.


Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

In order to overcome death, Egyptians believed that they needed to

prepare for the afterlife

What is the correct order of the social structure of ancient Egypt? Place the highest group at the top and the lowest group at the bottom.