Applying a style to text in a word processing document should be used:

To ensure that all headings are formatted the same way
To insert a table design
Format a picture
Perform calculations

a. To ensure that all headings are formatted the same way.

Applying a style to text in a word processing document is commonly used to ensure consistency and uniformity in the formatting of headings or any other repetitive element within the document. By applying a specific style, all headings throughout the document will be automatically formatted according to the defined style, making it easier to maintain a professional and cohesive appearance.

a. To ensure that all headings are formatted the same way

The correct answer is a) To ensure that all headings are formatted the same way.

To apply a style to text in a word processing document, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your word processing software (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google Docs).
2. Create or open a document where you want to apply the style to the text.
3. Select the text that you want to format using the style. You can do this by clicking and dragging your cursor over the text or by double-clicking a word to select it and then dragging to select more.
4. Look for the Styles pane or toolbar in your word processing software. It might be located at the top or on the side of the document window.
5. In the Styles pane or toolbar, click on the dropdown menu or icon that represents the styles available. A list of different styles should appear.
6. Browse through the available styles and find the one that suits your needs. For headings, you may find a collection of heading styles with different levels (e.g., Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.).
7. Click on the desired style to apply it to the selected text. The style should be applied, and the text will now have the formatting associated with that style, such as font size, font style (bold, italic), and alignment.

By applying a style to headings, you ensure consistency in the formatting throughout the document. If you later decide to change the formatting of all the headings, you can simply modify the style, and the changes will be automatically applied to all the text that uses that style.