Which process is shown in the image?

(1 point)


active transport
active transport

passive transport
passive transport


There is no image provided, so it is not possible to determine which process is being shown.

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I cannot see or analyze images. However, I can provide step-by-step explanations or definitions if you provide more information or describe the image in detail.

To determine the process shown in the image, you would need to analyze the characteristics and details captured in the image. Since we don't have access to the image here, I'll provide a general description of each process, so you can compare them and identify which process matches the image.

1. Exocytosis: This process is the release of substances from a cell by vesicle fusion with the cell membrane, pushing the contents out of the cell.

2. Active transport: Active transport involves the movement of substances across a cell membrane against their concentration gradient, requiring the expenditure of energy (typically in the form of ATP).

3. Passive transport: Passive transport is the movement of substances across a cell membrane without the use of energy. This includes processes like diffusion (movement from an area of high concentration to low concentration) and osmosis (movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane).

4. Endocytosis: Endocytosis is the process in which a cell takes in substances by engulfing them into a vesicle formed by the cell membrane.

Based on these descriptions, you can compare the characteristics of the image with the processes to determine which one matches.