Which of the following incidents would likely be followed by a deceleration of plot pace?

Check all that are true.

A man has been searching frantically for a misplaced family heirloom and finds it.

A sibling apologizes to his or her sibling in the midst of an argument.

A boy is selected as the player to take a penalty kick and try to win the game.

A ship at sea experiences a sudden positive change in the weather.

A woman receives a phone call telling her that her friend is in the hospital.
Game Bonus
Analyze how incidents can change the pace of a story or drama

The incidents that would likely be followed by a deceleration of plot pace are:

- A man has been searching frantically for a misplaced family heirloom and finds it.
- A sibling apologizes to his or her sibling in the midst of an argument.
- A ship at sea experiences a sudden positive change in the weather.
- A woman receives a phone call telling her that her friend is in the hospital.

These incidents would likely lead to a slowdown in the plot pace because they involve moments of resolution, reconciliation, or a shift towards a more calm and stable situation. They typically bring closure to certain storylines or conflicts, causing the plot to take a pause or slow down before picking up momentum again.

The incidents that would likely be followed by a deceleration of plot pace are:

- A man has been searching frantically for a misplaced family heirloom and finds it.
- A sibling apologizes to his or her sibling in the midst of an argument.

Both of these incidents indicate resolution or reconciliation, which often leads to a slower pace as the tension or conflict dissipates.

Now, let's analyze how incidents can change the pace of a story or drama.

Incidents can significantly impact the pace of a story or drama by introducing new elements, shifting the focus, or altering the overall dynamics. Here are some ways incidents can change the pace:

1. Acceleration of Pace: Incidents such as a sudden positive change in weather or a character being selected for an important task can increase the pace. These incidents introduce excitement, urgency, or suspense, prompting the story to move quickly.

2. Deceleration of Pace: Incidents like finding a misplaced item or resolving a conflict can lead to a deceleration of pace. They provide moments of closure, reflection, or emotional resolution, slowing down the narrative.

3. Cliffhangers: Introducing a dramatic incident or unresolved situation can create a cliffhanger, causing a sudden pause or cliffhanging ending that ignites anticipation and increases the pace.

4. Exposition and Background: Incidents that focus on providing exposition or background information can slow down the pace. These incidents often involve the characters discussing past events, sharing memories, or explaining crucial details to enhance understanding.

5. Subplots: Introducing additional storylines or subplots can change the overall pace. With multiple narrative threads to follow, the pace may fluctuate between fast and slow as the storylines intertwine or unravel.

Overall, incidents play a vital role in shaping the pace of a story or drama, allowing authors or creators to control the flow of tension, emotion, and suspense for an engaging narrative experience.

In order to determine which incidents would likely be followed by a deceleration of plot pace, we need to understand how incidents can change the pace of a story or drama.

Incidents that generally involve a resolution or a calming effect tend to lead to a deceleration of the plot pace. On the other hand, incidents that involve intense action, conflict, or a sense of urgency tend to accelerate the plot pace.

Let's analyze each of the incidents provided:

1. A man has been searching frantically for a misplaced family heirloom and finds it.
This incident involves the resolution of the man finding the misplaced heirloom. As the search concludes, it is likely to result in a deceleration of plot pace.

2. A sibling apologizes to his or her sibling in the midst of an argument.
The act of apologizing typically indicates a reconciliation and resolution of the argument. This incident would likely result in a deceleration of plot pace.

3. A boy is selected as the player to take a penalty kick and try to win the game.
This incident introduces a high-stakes situation where the boy has to take a penalty kick to potentially win the game. The sense of urgency and action involved in this incident would likely lead to an acceleration of plot pace.

4. A ship at sea experiences a sudden positive change in the weather.
While this incident represents a change in the ship's circumstances, it doesn't necessarily involve intense action or a conflict. Therefore, it would likely result in a deceleration of plot pace.

5. A woman receives a phone call telling her that her friend is in the hospital.
This incident introduces a moment of crisis and concern, indicating a potential acceleration of plot pace due to the urgency and the need for action.

Based on the analysis, the incidents that would likely be followed by a deceleration of plot pace are:
- A man has been searching frantically for a misplaced family heirloom and finds it.
- A sibling apologizes to his or her sibling in the midst of an argument.
- A ship at sea experiences a sudden positive change in the weather.

On the other hand, the incident of a woman receiving a phone call telling her that her friend is in the hospital would likely result in an acceleration of plot pace.