The genre of a play relates to

the emotional response a play creates in the audience
the decade in which the play was written
the style of the play
the structure of the play


the style of the play

The genre of a play relates to all of the options mentioned. However, the primary factors that determine a play's genre are the style of the play and the emotional response it creates in the audience. The style refers to the specific techniques, methods, and artistic choices employed in the play, such as dialogue, setting, and character development. The emotional response can range from comedy, tragedy, romance, or any other multitude of reactions elicited from the audience. Additionally, the structure of the play, including the format and organization of scenes and acts, can also contribute to its genre. The decade in which the play was written may provide historical context but does not directly determine its genre.

The correct answer is:

c) the style of the play.

The genre of a play refers to the category or classification that it falls into based on its style, form, and tone. It helps to distinguish and describe the overall artistic and creative approach of the play. Different genres include comedy, tragedy, drama, musical theatre, experimental theatre, and more.

To determine the genre of a play, you can look for certain characteristics and elements within the play. These elements can be identified by analyzing the script, the content, and the way it is performed. Here are a few things to consider when identifying the genre:

1. Themes and subject matter: Pay attention to the main themes and subject matter explored in the play. For example, if the play revolves around comedic situations and humor, it is more likely to be a comedy genre.

2. Style of dialogue: Examine the style of dialogue used in the play. Comedies often have witty and fast-paced exchanges, while tragedies may have more intense, poetic, or dramatic language.

3. Character development: Observe how characters are portrayed and developed throughout the play. Are they larger-than-life figures in epic dramas, or everyday people facing relatable conflicts in realistic dramas?

4. Overall tone and atmosphere: Consider the overall tone and atmosphere created by the play. Is it light-hearted and entertaining, or does it delve into serious and thought-provoking themes?

By analyzing these factors and considering the overall style and artistic intention of the play, you can determine its genre. It's important to note that some plays may fall into multiple genres, as the boundaries between genres can often be fluid and overlapping.