The answer to Canada’s 3 economic questions of (1) what to produce (2) how to produce and (3) for whom to produce is decided by which 2 of the following groups? Select yes or no. (1 point) Yes No parliament Yes – parliament No – parliament individuals Yes – individuals No – individuals government officials Yes – government officials No – government officials corporations Yes – corporations

4 answers plsssssssssssssssssssssssss x3

Yes - government officials

Yes - corporations

The answer to Canada's 3 economic questions is decided by the following two groups:

1. Parliament: Yes
2. Government officials: Yes

Individuals and corporations do play a role in the economy, but they do not have direct decision-making power over what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce.

To determine the answers to Canada's three economic questions, we need to consider two groups: parliament and individuals.

Parliament plays a crucial role in making decisions regarding what goods and services to produce, how they should be produced, and for whom they should be produced. This can be achieved through policies and legislation that shape the country's economic system.

On the other hand, individuals also contribute to the decision-making process. Their preferences, demands, and consumption patterns influence what goods and services will be produced, how they will be produced, and who will benefit from them. Through their choices in the marketplace, individuals express their preferences and shape the economy.

Therefore, the correct selection is:

Yes - parliament
Yes - individuals