Which sentence contains a participle functioning as a verb?(1 point)


The students are waiting for the bus.
The students are waiting for the bus.

David brought coloring books to the restaurant.
David brought coloring books to the restaurant.

The blinking sign warns drivers of a sharp curve ahead.
The blinking sign warns drivers of a sharp curve ahead.

Mateo will only eat cooked carrots.
Mateo will only eat cooked carrots.

The blinking sign warns drivers of a sharp curve ahead.

The sentence that contains a participle functioning as a verb is:

"The blinking sign warns drivers of a sharp curve ahead."

The sentence that contains a participle functioning as a verb is: "The blinking sign warns drivers of a sharp curve ahead."

To identify a participle functioning as a verb, we need to look for a word that ends in -ing and is used to describe or modify a noun or pronoun. In this sentence, the word "blinking" is a present participle functioning as a verb. It describes the action of the sign and modifies the noun "sign".