Which antecedent agrees with the pronoun in this sentence? Select the correct answer from the list.(1 point)

is best known for her oatmeal cookies.

1. Martha
3.The Smiths
4.Avery and Michelle

1. Martha

The correct answer is 1. Martha.

To determine which antecedent agrees with the pronoun in the sentence "is best known for her oatmeal cookies," we need to look for a noun or noun phrase that corresponds to the pronoun "her." The pronoun "her" refers to a female person.

Let's consider the options:

1. Martha: This is a female name, so it matches the pronoun "her." Therefore, the antecedent "Martha" agrees with the pronoun in the sentence.

2. Jim: This is a male name, so it does not match the pronoun "her." Therefore, "Jim" is not the correct antecedent.

3. The Smiths: "The Smiths" is a plural noun phrase and does not match the singular pronoun "her." Therefore, "The Smiths" is not the correct antecedent.

4. Avery and Michelle: There are two individuals mentioned here, but we do not know their genders. However, since the pronoun "her" is singular and refers to a female, we can eliminate this option as well.

Based on the choices given, only option 1, "Martha," is the correct antecedent that agrees with the pronoun in the sentence.