Which antecedent agrees with the pronoun in this sentence? Select the correct answer from the list.(1 point)

is best known for her oatmeal cookies.

Using Pronouns Quick Check

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Which antecedent agrees with the pronoun in this sentence? Select the correct answer from the list.(1 point)

is best known for her oatmeal cookies.

am i correct

The most appropriate antecedent for the pronoun "her" in the sentence " is best known for her oatmeal cookies" would be a female individual.

The antecedent that agrees with the pronoun "her" in the given sentence is the subject of the sentence, which is missing in the provided context.

To determine which antecedent agrees with the pronoun in the sentence, you need to identify the pronoun and its antecedent.

In the given sentence, the pronoun is "her." The antecedent of the pronoun is the noun that the pronoun refers to.

Unfortunately, the full sentence is missing, so we cannot determine the exact antecedent for the pronoun. However, based on the information provided, we can make a few assumptions.

From the sentence fragment "is best known for her oatmeal cookies," we can conclude that there is a person (or possibly a brand or company) who is known for making oatmeal cookies. Therefore, the most likely antecedent for the pronoun "her" is a female person who is associated with oatmeal cookies.

To select the correct answer, we need more context or the complete sentence.