Which country is an autocracy?



North Korea

South Korea

C. North Korea

The country that is considered an autocracy is option C, North Korea.

The correct answer is C. North Korea.

To determine which country is an autocracy, we need to understand what an autocracy is. An autocracy is a form of government where one person or a small group holds absolute power. In an autocracy, the ruler(s) lack accountability and there is limited or no political participation or civil liberties for the citizens.

To find the country that fits this description, we can consider the options provided:

A. China: China is not an autocracy but rather a single-party socialist state, where the Communist Party of China holds significant political power.

B. Japan: Japan is not an autocracy but a constitutional monarchy, where the emperor serves as a symbolic figurehead and political power is primarily held by elected officials.

C. North Korea: North Korea is an autocracy where power is held by the ruling family, currently led by Kim Jong Un. There is limited political participation, a lack of civil liberties, and severe repression of dissent.

D. South Korea: South Korea is a democratic republic where political power is vested in the president, who is elected by the citizens.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. North Korea.