Identity the statement below that is true about a type of stress.

A. Distress is a negative response of your body when your mind and body is at rest.
B. Distress is a positive response of your body and mind when it is challenged.
C. EUstress is a negative response of your body when your mind and body is at rest.
D. EUstress is a positive response of your body and mind when it is being challenged

D. EUstress is a positive response of your body and mind when it is being challenged

The true statement about a type of stress is:

B. Distress is a positive response of your body and mind when it is challenged.

To identify the true statement about a type of stress, we need to understand the definitions of distress and eustress.

Distress refers to a negative response of your body and mind to pressure or a challenging situation. It can lead to feelings of anxiety, fatigue, and even physical symptoms such as headaches or stomachaches.

On the other hand, eustress is a positive response of your body and mind when facing a stressor. It is often associated with a sense of excitement, motivation, and increased focus. Eustress can enhance performance and help to promote personal growth and development.

Now, let's evaluate the statements:

A. Distress is a negative response of your body when your mind and body is at rest.
This statement is incorrect. Distress is not related to being at rest. It is a negative response to stressors or challenges, regardless of whether you are at rest or in an active state.

B. Distress is a positive response of your body and mind when it is challenged.
This statement is incorrect. Distress is not a positive response but rather a negative one to challenging situations.

C. Eustress is a negative response of your body when your mind and body are at rest.
This statement is incorrect. Eustress is not a negative response. It is a positive response to stressors or challenges.

D. Eustress is a positive response of your body and mind when it is being challenged.
This statement is correct. Eustress is indeed a positive response of the body and mind when facing challenges. It can help to boost motivation, improve focus, and promote personal growth.

Therefore, the correct statement about a type of stress is option D: "Eustress is a positive response of your body and mind when it is being challenged."