
The sum of 46,836 and 12,588 is 59,424.

To add 46,836 and 12,588, follow these steps:

Step 1: Align the numbers vertically, with the ones digits in the same column.

Step 2: Start by adding the ones digits (6 + 8). The sum is 14. Write down 4 and carry over the 1 to the next column.

Step 3: Now add the tens digits (3 + 8 + 1). The sum is 12. Write down 2 and carry over the 1 to the next column.

Step 4: Add the hundreds digits (6 + 5 + 1). The sum is 12. Write down 2 and carry over 1.

Step 5: Add the thousands digits (4 + 2 + 1). The sum is 7. Write down 7.

Step 6: Finally, add the ten-thousands digits (no carries this time). Write down 1.

Step 7: Write the sum of the numbers in standard form.

So, 46,836 + 12,588 equals 59,424.

To find the sum of 46,836 and 12,588, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Align the numbers vertically with the ones digits at the rightmost position:

+ 12,588

Step 2: Start by adding the ones digits, which in this case are 6 and 8:

+ 12,588

Step 3: Since the sum of 6 and 8 is 14, write down the 4 in the ones position and carry over the 1 to the tens position.

+ 12,588

Step 4: Move to the next column, which is the tens digit. Add the numbers in this column, along with the carried-over 1 from the previous column:

+ 12,588

Step 5: Continue this process for the hundreds, thousands, and so on, until all the columns are done:

+ 12,588

Step 6: The final sum of 46,836 and 12,588 is 59,424.

So, 46,836 + 12,588 = 59,424.