What is 46,836 + 12,588 ?(1 point)

The sum of 46,836 and 12,588 is 59,424.

Lorelei has been pitching for the Westminster Wildcats baseball team for the last four years. Lorelei's goal is to end the season with 162 strikeouts. She now has 149 strikeouts. How many more strikeouts does Lorelei need to reach her goal? (1 point)

Lorelei needs 13 more strikeouts to reach her goal of 162 strikeouts.

What is the sum of 6.9 + 83.66 ?(1 point)

The sum of 6.9 and 83.66 is 90.56.

Karl spent $58.34 at the grocery store last week. This week he spent $72.78. How much more did he spend this week than last week on groceries?(1 point)

Karl spent $14.44 more on groceries this week than last week.

Corinne and her friend, Jewel, were trying to save money for a fishing trip. They want to have $750 saved before they make a reservation at the campground. Corinne deposited $212.75 into the vacation account and Jewel deposited $318.50. How much more do they need to save before they can make the reservation?(1 point)


Corinne and Jewel still need to save $218.75 before they can make the reservation.

Use the standard algorithm to find the product of 765 and 222. Record the products of each multiplying through by each place value in 222 as well as the final product.(2 points)

The product of multiplying by the ones digit is
. The product of multiplying by the tens digit is
. The product of multiplying by the hundreds digit is
. The product is