What does “horario de clases” mean in English?

(1 point)

class period
class period

class schedule
class schedule

many classes
many classes

your classes

class schedule

class schedule

To find the meaning of the phrase "horario de clases" in English, you can use an online translation tool or a bilingual dictionary.

1. Using an online translation tool:
Go to a trusted translation website such as Google Translate or WordReference. Enter the phrase "horario de clases" into the translation box, and select Spanish to English as the translation direction. The tool will provide you with the translation "class schedule" as the meaning of "horario de clases" in English.

2. Using a bilingual dictionary:
Consult a Spanish-English dictionary to look up the individual words in the phrase "horario de clases." The word "horario" translates to "schedule" or "timetable" in English, while "clases" translates to "classes." Therefore, combining the translations, "horario de clases" means "class schedule" in English.

So, "horario de clases" in English means "class schedule."