Flies are scavengers and tend to break down dead organisms. Based on this information, what is a plant characteristic that would best attract flies

flowers that are brightly colored
flowers that emit a rotten odor
flowers that are light colored
flowers that emit a sweet odor

flowers that emit a rotten odor

which of the following describes fertilization

when an animal is attracted to a flower
when a sperm cell and egg cell come together
the changes that occur in organisms over time
the process of pollen moving from place to place

when a sperm cell and egg cell come together

specialization can be both limiting and beneficial. how would a plant species benefit from pollinator that only wisits the flowers of that plant species

decreased self-fertilization, allowing for a greater genetic variation
the flowers always having a pollinator
less competition for pollinators with other species
less competition for pollinators within the species

less competition for pollinators with other species

Sometimes, plants will reward their pollinators with something that benifits them. What is an example of a plant attractant that is also a pollination reward

sweet odors
vibrant colors


Which behavior is both territorial and used for courtship

sparring or wrestling using antlers or horns
dance rituals wit potential partners
defending a nest from predators
baring teeth as a sign of aggresion

sparring or wrestling using antlers or horns

To determine the plant characteristic that would best attract flies, we can analyze their scavenging behavior and preferences. Flies are attracted to decaying matter and rotten odors, as they lay their eggs on such materials to feed their larvae. Therefore, the plant characteristic that would best attract flies is flowers that emit a rotten odor.

To arrive at this conclusion, we can consider the following steps:

1. Understand the behavior of flies: Flies are known for their scavenging habits and are attracted to decomposing organic matter.

2. Consider the purpose of attracting flies: If a plant wants to attract flies, it may be because it benefits from their presence. Flies help in pollination and also aid in the process of decomposition, which can enhance nutrient recycling.

3. Evaluate the provided options:
- Flowers that are brightly colored: Although certain brightly colored flowers may attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, flies are not typically attracted to bright colors.
- Flowers that emit a rotten odor: This characteristic aligns with the behavior of flies, as they are attracted to decaying matter and rotten odors.
- Flowers that are light colored: Light-colored flowers generally attract a wide range of pollinators, but they may not specifically attract flies.
- Flowers that emit a sweet odor: Sweet odors are more likely to attract insects like bees, butterflies, and moths, which are known pollinators. Flies are more attracted to rotten odors.

Based on the information above, the best plant characteristic that would attract flies would be flowers that emit a rotten odor. This characteristic closely mimics the odors released by decaying organic matter, which is highly appealing to flies.