What is the difference between a detritivore and a decomposer? (1 point)

While detritivores feed on dead organic matter, decomposers actually break down dead or decaying organisms.

While detritivores are heterotrophic, decomposers are autotrophic.

while detritivores consume both plants and animals, decomposes only consume dead animals.

While detritivores consume animals, decomposers only consume plants.

While detritivores feed on dead organic matter, decomposers actually break down dead or decaying organisms.

Food webs are more complex than simple food chains.



Matter and energy are cycled through the ecosystem.

Detritivores consume dead organic matter, while decomposers break down dead or decaying organisms.

Your correct but questions 4 and 5 is changed for me

4.) Which product of photosynthesis is released into the atmosphere?

carbon dioxide




5.) Which activity removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

growing trees

installing wind turbines


burning fewer fossil fuels

The correct answer is:

The main difference between a detritivore and a decomposer is their role in the decomposition of dead organic matter.

1. Detritivores: Detritivores are organisms that feed on dead organic material, such as dead plants or animals. They break down the organic matter physically into smaller pieces, but they do not break it down into its basic chemical components. Examples of detritivores include earthworms, millipedes, and some species of bacteria.

2. Decomposers: Decomposers, on the other hand, are organisms that break down dead organic matter into its basic chemical components through the process of decomposition. They release enzymes into the dead material, which helps them break it down into simpler substances like carbon dioxide, water, and various nutrients. Decomposers play a vital role in the nutrient recycling process in ecosystems. Examples of decomposers include fungi, bacteria, and some species of insects.

In summary, while detritivores physically consume dead organic matter, decomposers break it down into its chemical components through decomposition. Additionally, detritivores can consume both plants and animals, while decomposers primarily focus on breaking down dead organic matter from various sources.