What contributed to the growth of Hinduism? Select all that apply.

(1 point)
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The growth of Hinduism was contributed by a combination of factors. Here are some possible options:

- The assimilation of local beliefs and practices into Hinduism as it spread across the Indian subcontinent.
- The influence of ancient scriptures called the Vedas, which provided the philosophical and moral foundation for Hinduism.
- The development of a complex caste system, which provided social order and stability within Hindu society.
- The patronage and support of powerful kings and rulers, who promoted and protected Hinduism.
- The popularity of Hindu deities and rituals, which resonated with the masses and attracted new followers.
- The flexibility and adaptability of Hinduism, which allowed it to incorporate and accommodate diverse cultural practices and beliefs.
- The spread of Hinduism through missionary activity, trade, and cultural exchange with neighboring regions and civilizations.
- The emergence of influential teachers and gurus who propagated and popularized Hindu teachings.

What physical feature blocks access to the Indian subcontinent to its north and northeast?

(1 point)

the Himalaya Mountains

the Himalaya Mountains

the Bay of Bengal

the Bay of Bengal

the Deccan Plateau

the Deccan Plateau

the Thar Desert

the Himalaya Mountains

What is the order in which the caste system has changed in India? Place the first development at the top and the most recent developments at the bottom.

The order in which the caste system has changed in India can be arranged as follows, with the first development at the top and the most recent developments at the bottom:

1. Vedic era and early caste system formation
2. Social and economic reform movements in the 19th and 20th centuries
3. Indian independence and the Constitution of India in 1950, which outlawed untouchability and provided for affirmative action policies
4. Modern efforts towards social equality and caste-based reservations in education, employment, and politics.

How do scholars know that Indo-Aryans raised cattle and depended upon their milk, but later turned to agriculture?

(1 point)

Archaeologists have found evidence of the changes in tools used.

Archaeologists have found evidence of the changes in tools used.

The Bhagavad-Gita tells of the ancient people's lifestyle.

The Bhagavad-Gita tells of the ancient people's lifestyle.

The Vedas provide a record of how the Indo-Aryans lived.

The Vedas provide a record of how the Indo-Aryans lived.

DNA matches from people today are able to detect the change in diet in bone history.

Archaeologists have found evidence of the changes in tools used.

The Vedas provide a record of how the Indo-Aryans lived.

Who wrote the Upanishads?

(1 point)








The Upanishads were not written by a specific individual. They were written by various sages and seers in ancient India.

Who was Siddhartha Gautama before he became the Buddha?

(1 point)

a guru

a guru

an ascetic

an ascetic

a Brahmin

a Brahmin

a Hindu prince