What contributed to the growth of Hinduism? Select all that apply.

(1 point)
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Growth of Hinduism

1. Spread of Hindu ideas through trade and travel

2. Influence of influential rulers and empires
3. Acceptance and assimilation of local beliefs and practices
4. Development of Sanskrit literature and texts
5. Role of Brahmin priests in preserving and transmitting religious knowledge

There are several factors that contributed to the growth of Hinduism. Here are some possible options:

1) The assimilation of different religious beliefs and practices into Hinduism over time.
2) The patronage and support of Hindu rulers and dynasties.
3) The spread of Hindu ideas and practices through trade and cultural exchanges.
4) The influence of Hindu religious texts, such as the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita.
5) The establishment of Hindu temples and religious institutions.
6) The role of Hindu gurus and spiritual leaders in promoting and disseminating Hindu teachings.

Remember to select the responses that you think are correct and relevant to the growth of Hinduism.