school name, address, telephone number, friend's birthday in japanese hiragana.



Please note that the specific school name, address, telephone number, and friend's birthday would need to be provided in order to translate them accurately into Japanese.

Sure! Here is the information you requested in Japanese Hiragana.

School name: がっこうのなまえ (gakkou no namae)
Address: じゅうしょ (juusho)
Telephone number: でんわばんごう (denwa bangou)
Friend's birthday: ともだちのたんじょうび (tomodachi no tanjoubi)

To provide you with the requested information in Japanese Hiragana, I'll guide you on how to find and pronounce the words. Here are the translations:

1. School name: "Gakkō no namae" (がっこう の なまえ)
Note: Replace "Gakkō no namae" with the actual name of your school.

2. Address: "Jūsho" (じゅうしょう)
Note: Insert the specific address of your school.

3. Telephone number: "Denwabango" (でんわばんごう)
Note: Insert the telephone number of your school.

4. Friend's birthday: "Tomodachi no tanjōbi" (ともだち の たんじょうび)
Note: Replace "Tomodachi no tanjōbi" with your friend's birthday date.

It's important to note that providing personal information, such as school name, address, and telephone number, should be done cautiously, especially online. Make sure to share this information only with trusted individuals or as required by trusted sources.

If you have more specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!