Brayton has a goal of saving more than $350 this week. He earns $20 for each kid he tutors after school. This week it also happened to be his birthday, and he received $100 as a gift for his birthday. Write and solve an inequality for the number of kids Brayton needs to tutor this week. Which answer choice best interprets the solution in the context of the problem?

Let's represent the number of kids Brayton needs to tutor this week as 'x'.

The amount of money he earns from tutoring is $20 per kid, so the total amount he would earn from tutoring is 20x.
Adding the $100 gift he received for his birthday, his total earnings for the week would be 20x + 100.
To save more than $350, we can write the inequality:
20x + 100 > 350
Subtracting 100 from both sides, we have:
20x > 250
Dividing both sides by 20, we get:
x > 12.5
Since it is not possible to tutor a fraction of a child, the minimum number of kids Brayton needs to tutor this week is 13.
Therefore, the best interpretation of the solution in the context of the problem is that Brayton needs to tutor at least 13 kids this week.