find the cubic root of 32

The cubic root of 32 is 2.

find the square root of 96

The square root of 96 is approximately 9.798.

find the square root of 96

1. 4R6
2. 6R4
3. 16R6
4. 24

The square root of 96 cannot be simplified to a whole number. The closest approximation is option 2: 6R4.

find the cubic root of 96

2. 2 R3 7
3. 2 R3 12
4. 4R6

The cubic root of 96 is approximately option 2: 2R3 7.

find the cubic root of 189

9 R3 21
3 R3 7
27 R3 7

The cubic root of 189 is option 4: 27 R3 7.

find the square root of 250
