use the table to answer the question. what is the part-to-whole ratio for the 6th grade average of 79-70. give your answer using a colon.

6th grade average
100-90. 32 total of students
89-80. 65 total of students
79-70. 27 total of students

The part-to-whole ratio for the 6th grade average of 79-70 is 27:124.

To find the part-to-whole ratio for the 6th grade average of 79-70, we need to calculate the ratio of the total number of students in the 79-70 range to the total number of students in all ranges.

Total number of students in the 79-70 range: 27
Total number of students in all ranges: 32 + 65 + 27 = 124

So, the part-to-whole ratio for the 6th grade average of 79-70 is: 27:124.

To find the part-to-whole ratio for the 6th grade average of 79-70, we need to calculate the ratio of the total number of students that fall within the 79-70 range to the overall total number of students.

According to the table:
- The total number of students in the 100-90 range is 32.
- The total number of students in the 89-80 range is 65.
- The total number of students in the 79-70 range is 27.

To find the part-to-whole ratio, we'll focus on the 79-70 range, which is the part, and the overall total of all students, which is the whole. The part-to-whole ratio is denoted using a colon.

So, the part-to-whole ratio for the 6th grade average of 79-70 is:
27: (32 + 65 + 27)

Simplifying the ratio:
27: 124