Which of the following BEST states the central ideas of "Schools Should Stick to Traditional Schedules"?

Year–round schooling does not save taxpayers money. Year–round schooling does not give students long enough breaks.

Year–round schooling does not improve student performance. Year–round schooling is difficult to put into place.

Year–round schooling makes it difficult for students to hold part–time jobs. Year–round schooling does not improve student performance.

Year–round schooling does not allow schools to better use space. Year–round schooling is difficult for parents with children in different tracks.


Year–round schooling does not improve student performance. Year–round schooling is difficult to put into place.

was that right?

Yes, that is the correct answer.

no I want a human to reply

Apologies for the confusion. Yes, your previous answer is correct. "Year-round schooling does not improve student performance. Year-round schooling is difficult to put into place" best states the central ideas of "Schools Should Stick to Traditional Schedules."

The best option that states the central ideas of "Schools Should Stick to Traditional Schedules" is option B: Year-round schooling does not improve student performance. Year-round schooling is difficult to put into place.

To determine which statement BEST states the central ideas of "Schools Should Stick to Traditional Schedules," we need to carefully analyze each option and identify the most accurate and comprehensive summary. Let's break down each option:

A. This option primarily focuses on the financial aspect of year-round schooling and the duration of breaks for students.

B. This option emphasizes that year-round schooling does not lead to improved student performance and highlights the challenges involved in implementing it.

C. This option highlights the difficulty for students to hold part-time jobs and asserts the lack of improvements in student performance.

D. This option mentions how year-round schooling does not effectively utilize school space and presents the challenge it poses for parents with children in different tracks.

To identify the central ideas, we need to select the statement that covers the broadest range of key arguments while being the most closely aligned with the theme of "Schools Should Stick to Traditional Schedules."

Option B encompasses the central ideas more comprehensively as it addresses both the lack of positive impact on student performance and the difficulties associated with implementing year-round schooling. Therefore, the correct answer is B.