Which statement describes the relationship between the central ideas and supporting details in a text?

A. The central ideas organize suporting details into a logical sequence.
B.Supporting details provide information unrelated to the central ideas
C.The central ideas reveal the topic of the supporting details.
D. Supporting details explain the central ideas of the text

D. Supporting details explain the central ideas of the text.

The correct statement that describes the relationship between the central ideas and supporting details in a text is D. Supporting details explain the central ideas of the text.

The correct statement that describes the relationship between the central ideas and supporting details in a text is Option A: The central ideas organize supporting details into a logical sequence.

To understand this relationship, it's important to understand what central ideas and supporting details are within a text. The central ideas are the main or most important ideas of the text, while supporting details are the specific pieces of information, evidence, or examples that back up or provide further explanation for the central ideas.

In a well-organized text, the central ideas work as a kind of roadmap for the supporting details. They provide a framework for organizing and presenting the information in a logical and coherent manner. The central ideas give the reader an understanding of the main ideas being discussed and guide them through the text.

The supporting details, on the other hand, serve to provide evidence, examples, or additional information to support and develop the central ideas. These details add depth, clarity, and credibility to the central ideas, making them more persuasive and convincing.

So, when we say that the central ideas organize supporting details into a logical sequence, it means that the central ideas act as an organizing principle that helps arrange the supporting details in a logical and coherent way. This ensures that the reader can follow and understand the main ideas of the text effectively.