Which detail would be most relevant to this central idea?

George Washington's presidency still has an impact on our government today.

(1 point)

George Washington was the first president.
George Washington was the first president.

George Washington married Martha Custis.
George Washington married Martha Custis.

George Washington was elected unanimously.
George Washington was elected unanimously.

George Washington created the two-term policy for presidents.

George Washington created the two-term policy for presidents. This detail is most relevant to the central idea because it directly relates to how George Washington's presidency still impacts our government today. The two-term policy is still in place, limiting presidents to serving two terms in office.

The detail that would be most relevant to the central idea "George Washington's presidency still has an impact on our government today" is that "George Washington created the two-term policy for presidents."

The detail that would be most relevant to the central idea that George Washington's presidency still has an impact on our government today is that George Washington created the two-term policy for presidents.

To arrive at this answer, we need to consider the central idea, which is that George Washington's presidency still has an impact on our government today. We are looking for a detail that supports or exemplifies this central idea.

Option 1, stating that George Washington was the first president, is certainly a significant detail, but it does not directly connect with the central idea. It does not specifically explain the impact of his presidency on our government today.

Option 2, mentioning that George Washington married Martha Custis, is a personal detail about George Washington but does not directly relate to the impact of his presidency on our government today. So, it is not the most relevant detail.

Option 3, stating that George Washington was elected unanimously, is also an important detail, but it does not necessarily showcase how his presidency has an impact on our government today.

Option 4, which mentions that George Washington created the two-term policy for presidents, directly relates to the central idea. This detail highlights one of the ways Washington's presidency still has an impact on our government today. It establishes a precedent and norm that has shaped how our government functions in terms of presidential term limits.

Therefore, the most relevant detail to the central idea is that George Washington created the two-term policy for presidents.