Which statement explains how Justinian’s Code was a turning point in the regulation of the Byzantine Empire?

Justinian’s Code was added to the Byzantine Empire after his reign, when the empire started declining.
Justinian’s Code was added to the Byzantine Empire after his reign, when the empire started declining.

Justinian’s Code complicated the existing legal code of the time period.
Justinian’s Code complicated the existing legal code of the time period.

Justinian’s Code did not have an effect on the Byzantine Empire because the people considered traditional Roman law more important than new Byzantine laws.
Justinian’s Code did not have an effect on the Byzantine Empire because the people considered traditional Roman law more important than new Byzantine laws.

Justinian’s Code codified Roman law and allowed Justinian to have greater control of his empire.

Justinian’s Code codified Roman law and allowed Justinian to have greater control of his empire.

The statement that explains how Justinian's Code was a turning point in the regulation of the Byzantine Empire is that "Justinian’s Code codified Roman law and allowed Justinian to have greater control of his empire."

The statement that explains how Justinian’s Code was a turning point in the regulation of the Byzantine Empire is:

"Justinian’s Code codified Roman law and allowed Justinian to have greater control of his empire."

To get the answer, we need to understand what Justinian's Code is and its impact on the Byzantine Empire.

Justinian's Code, also known as the Corpus Juris Civilis, was a systematic compilation and codification of Roman law. It was created under the reign of Emperor Justinian I in the 6th century AD. The code consisted of multiple parts, including the Codex Justinianus, which contained imperial laws, the Digest, which collected legal opinions and interpretations, and the Institutes, which served as a textbook for law students.

The codification of Roman law through Justinian's Code was a significant turning point because it provided a comprehensive legal framework for the Byzantine Empire. Prior to the code, the legal system was complex and fragmented, consisting of numerous laws, decrees, and conflicting interpretations. Justinian's Code simplified and organized these laws into a cohesive whole.

By codifying Roman law, Justinian centralized legal authority and increased his control over the empire. The code granted him the power to establish a uniform set of laws and ensure their enforcement throughout Byzantine territories. It also allowed for greater consistency in legal decisions and reduced discrepancies between different regions.

Moreover, Justinian's Code had a lasting impact beyond the Byzantine Empire. It became a foundation for legal systems across Europe and influenced later legal codes, including the civil law traditions in many countries.

Therefore, the statement that Justinian’s Code codified Roman law and allowed Justinian to have greater control of his empire is the most accurate explanation of its significance as a turning point in the regulation of the Byzantine Empire.