Which of the following best illustrates a key achievement of the Byzantine Empire?(1 point)Responsesthe Code of Justinian, which continues to influence laws around the world todaythe Code of Justinian, which continues to influence laws around the world todayByzantine people’s interest in Greek and Roman writings and philosophyByzantine people’s interest in Greek and Roman writings and philosophythe use of gold coins as part of its economic system, which shows its wealththe use of gold coins as part of its economic system, which shows its wealthrulers’ abilities to prevent invaders from taking over the empire for many centuries

rulers’ abilities to prevent invaders from taking over the empire for many centuries

The best illustration of a key achievement of the Byzantine Empire is the rulers' abilities to prevent invaders from taking over the empire for many centuries.

The correct answer is "rulers’ abilities to prevent invaders from taking over the empire for many centuries." This best illustrates a key achievement of the Byzantine Empire. To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the options:

Option 1: "the Code of Justinian, which continues to influence laws around the world today"
While the Code of Justinian was a significant achievement of the Byzantine Empire, it does not directly illustrate the empire's ability to prevent invaders.

Option 2: "Byzantine people’s interest in Greek and Roman writings and philosophy"
This option refers to the intellectual and cultural achievements of the Byzantine Empire but does not highlight the military or political accomplishments.

Option 3: "the use of gold coins as part of its economic system, which shows its wealth"
While the use of gold coins in the Byzantine Empire was an important aspect of its economic system, it does not directly showcase their ability to prevent invaders.

Option 4: "rulers’ abilities to prevent invaders from taking over the empire for many centuries"
This option specifically highlights the ability of Byzantine rulers to successfully defend the empire from external threats. It aligns with the Byzantine Empire's position as a formidable military power that was able to resist invasions for centuries. Hence, it best illustrates a key achievement of the Byzantine Empire.

By analyzing the options and considering their relevance to the key achievements of the Byzantine Empire, we can determine that option 4 is the correct answer.