which of the following allows researchers to interpret research data and arrive at useful recommendations researchers return to origional research questions

focus groups
secondary data
marketing problem
primary data

The correct answer is secondary data. Secondary data refers to data that has been collected by someone else for a different purpose but can be used by researchers to interpret their own research data and arrive at useful recommendations. It can include sources such as published articles, reports, surveys, census data, etc. Researchers use secondary data to support or refute their research findings and to gain more insights into the research questions.

The option that allows researchers to interpret research data and arrive at useful recommendations by returning to the original research questions is primary data.

Among the options you provided, the process of interpreting research data and arriving at useful recommendations typically involves returning to the original research questions. This helps ensure that the conclusions and recommendations align with the initial objectives of the research.

Focus groups and primary data collection methods contribute to gathering new data and insights directly from participants. However, while these methods aid in generating findings, they do not directly assist in interpreting the data or arriving at recommendations.

Secondary data, on the other hand, refers to previously collected data from other sources. Researchers can use secondary data to compare, contrast, or supplement their own findings. However, it is primarily used for background information or to strengthen the research context, rather than making recommendations.

Marketing problems, as mentioned in your options, are the issues that researchers aim to address through their research. These problems can vary, depending on the industry or situation. Understanding the marketing problem is crucial for researchers because it helps guide their data collection and analysis efforts.

Ultimately, returning to the original research questions is the key component in interpreting research data and formulating useful recommendations. This allows researchers to assess whether their findings align with their initial objectives, ensuring the relevance and validity of their recommendations.