In the morning Robert cooked waffles for breakfast what is the term for waffles indirect object,subject,direct object,prepositional phrase

In the given sentence: "In the morning, Robert cooked waffles for breakfast."

- The subject is "Robert" as it is the one performing the action.
- The direct object is "waffles" as it is the recipient of the action.
- There is no indirect object in this sentence.
- "In the morning" is a prepositional phrase, which provides information about the time when the action took place.

In the given sentence, "Robert cooked waffles for breakfast," the terms are as follows:

- Subject: Robert
- Verb: cooked
- Direct object: waffles
- Prepositional phrase: for breakfast

To identify the terms for the different elements in the given sentence, we need to understand their roles in the sentence structure.

1. Subject: The subject is the noun or noun phrase that performs the action in the sentence. In this case, the subject is "Robert" because he is the one who cooked the waffles.

2. Direct Object: The direct object is the noun or noun phrase that receives the action of the verb. In this case, the direct object is "waffles" because it is the thing that Robert cooked.

3. Indirect Object: An indirect object is a noun or noun phrase that usually comes between the verb and the direct object. It tells to whom or for whom (or what) the action is done. In the given sentence, there is no indirect object mentioned. Therefore, there is no indirect object in this sentence.

4. Prepositional Phrase: A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition (a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence) and its object. In this sentence, there is no prepositional phrase mentioned.

So, in the sentence "In the morning Robert cooked waffles for breakfast," the subject is "Robert," the direct object is "waffles," and there is no indirect object or prepositional phrase.