At a bakery, Amanda paid $9.70 for 4 raisin buns and 3 waffles.

Daniel paid $6.90 for 3 raisin buns and 2 waffles. Michelle bought
2 raisin buns and 2 waffles. How much did Michelle pay?

4 r + 3 w = 9.70

3 r + 2 w = 6.90
multiply first by 2 and second by 3
8 r + 6 w = 19.40
9 r + 6 w = 20.70
----------------------- subtract
- r = - 1.30
so raisins are 1.30 each
You do the rest.

To find out how much Michelle paid, we need to determine the cost of 1 raisin bun and 1 waffle first.

Let's use Amanda's purchase as a starting point:

Amanda paid $9.70 for 4 raisin buns and 3 waffles.

To determine the cost of 1 raisin bun, we will divide the total cost by the number of buns purchased:

Cost of 1 raisin bun = $9.70 / 4 = $2.425 (rounding to the nearest cent)

Therefore, the cost of 1 raisin bun is approximately $2.43.

Next, let's find the cost of 1 waffle.

Using Amanda's purchase again, we can determine the cost of 1 waffle:

Amanda paid $9.70 for 4 raisin buns and 3 waffles.

To find the cost of 1 waffle, we will divide the total cost by the number of waffles purchased:

Cost of 1 waffle = $9.70 / 3 = $3.233 (rounding to the nearest cent)

Therefore, the cost of 1 waffle is approximately $3.23.

Now that we know the individual costs of both raisin buns and waffles, we can calculate how much Michelle paid.

Michelle bought 2 raisin buns and 2 waffles.

The cost of 2 raisin buns is 2 * $2.43 = $4.86

The cost of 2 waffles is 2 * $3.23 = $6.46

Therefore, Michelle paid $4.86 + $6.46 = $11.32

To find out how much Michelle paid, we need to calculate the cost of 2 raisin buns and 2 waffles.

From the given information, we know that Amanda paid $9.70 for 4 raisin buns and 3 waffles.

To find the cost of 1 raisin bun, we can divide $9.70 by 4:
$9.70 / 4 = $2.425.

Similarly, to find the cost of 1 waffle, we can divide $9.70 by 3:
$9.70 / 3 = $3.2333 (approximately).

Now let's calculate the cost for Daniel. We know that Daniel paid $6.90 for 3 raisin buns and 2 waffles.

To find the cost of 1 raisin bun, we can divide $6.90 by 3:
$6.90 / 3 = $2.30.

To find the cost of 1 waffle, we can divide $6.90 by 2:
$6.90 / 2 = $3.45.

Since we already have the individual costs for 1 raisin bun and 1 waffle, we can use them to find the total cost for Michelle.

Michelle bought 2 raisin buns, so the cost would be: 2 * $2.425 = $4.85.

Michelle also bought 2 waffles, so the cost would be: 2 * $3.2333 ≈ $6.47.

Therefore, Michelle paid a total of $4.85 + $6.47 = $11.32.