Mary is such a quiet child," said Aunt Lydia"It makes me wonder what will become of her." Which word would give the sentence a negative tone if it replaced the word quiet?

(1 point)

O calm

O disciplined

O reserved

O sullen

O sullen

The word that would give the sentence a negative tone if it replaced the word "quiet" is "sullen."

To determine which word would give the sentence a negative tone if it replaced the word "quiet," let's analyze the options:

1. Calm: This word describes someone who is not easily agitated or disturbed. It does not necessarily imply a negative tone. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.

2. Disciplined: This word implies that someone has self-control and can adhere to rules or routines. While it may not have a negative connotation, it also does not fit the context of the sentence, as it does not relate directly to someone's personality traits. So, it is not the correct answer.

3. Reserved: This word describes someone who is introverted or shy, holding back or not expressing their thoughts and emotions openly. While it might not have a strongly negative connotation, it suggests someone who may be less open or social. Therefore, it is a plausible answer.

4. Sullen: This word, on the other hand, does have a negative connotation. It signifies a gloomy or sour disposition, someone who is sulky or ill-tempered. It inherently portrays a negative tone, making this the correct answer.

In summary, if we replace the word "quiet" with the word "sullen," it would give the sentence a negative tone.