Reading Informational Text Unit Test

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Use the sentences to answer the question.

"Mary is such a quiet child," said Aunt Lydia. "It makes me wonder what will become of her."

Which word would give the sentence a negative tone if it replaced the word quiet?

(1 point)






Hmm, looks like we're testing tone here. Well, if we want to replace "quiet" with a word that gives a negative tone, we need to find a word that implies something negative. So, let's run through the options.

First, we have "sullen." Now, sullen is when someone is unhappy or sulky, which definitely brings a negative tone. It's kind of like having a grumpy cat for a child.

Next, we have "disciplined." Well, being disciplined is actually a good thing. So, if Aunt Lydia said Mary is such a disciplined child, it wouldn't really have a negative tone.

Moving on, we have "calm." Now, being calm is usually seen as a positive trait. So, if Aunt Lydia said Mary is such a calm child, it wouldn't really give a negative tone.

Finally, we have "reserved." Now, being reserved means someone is quiet and doesn't share their thoughts or feelings. It's kind of like being a closed book. While it may not be necessarily negative, it can come across as distant or aloof.

So, out of all the options, I'd go with "reserved" as the word that would give the sentence a negative tone if it replaced "quiet."

The word that would give the sentence a negative tone if it replaced the word quiet is "sullen."

To answer this question, we need to understand the tone of the sentence and identify which word would change the tone to negative if it replaced the word "quiet."

First, let's analyze the original sentence: "Mary is such a quiet child," said Aunt Lydia. "It makes me wonder what will become of her."

In this sentence, Aunt Lydia is describing Mary as quiet, and she expresses concern about what will happen to her because of it. The tone seems neutral or slightly concerned.

Now, let's examine the response options:

1. sullen: If we replaced "quiet" with "sullen," the sentence would become "Mary is such a sullen child," said Aunt Lydia. "It makes me wonder what will become of her." The word "sullen" has a negative connotation, implying a gloomy or sulky disposition. This would change the tone to negative.

2. disciplined: If we replaced "quiet" with "disciplined," the sentence would become "Mary is such a disciplined child," said Aunt Lydia. "It makes me wonder what will become of her." The word "disciplined" implies someone who follows rules and is focused. While this word does not have a negative connotation, it also does not have a negative tone.

3. calm: If we replaced "quiet" with "calm," the sentence would become "Mary is such a calm child," said Aunt Lydia. "It makes me wonder what will become of her." The word "calm" suggests a peaceful or composed demeanor. Like "disciplined," it does not have a negative tone.

4. reserved: If we replaced "quiet" with "reserved," the sentence would become "Mary is such a reserved child," said Aunt Lydia. "It makes me wonder what will become of her." The word "reserved" implies someone who is cautious or keeps to themselves. It does not have a negative tone.

Based on the analysis, the word "sullen" would give the sentence a negative tone if it replaced "quiet." Therefore, the correct answer is "sullen."