Simplify the following and leave your answer in exponential form


5^12/5 = 5^(12-1) = 5^11

To simplify the expression (5^12) / 5, we can use the rule of exponents that states when you divide two exponents with the same base, you subtract the exponents.

So, applying this rule:

(5^12) / 5 = 5^(12-1) = 5^11

Therefore, the simplified expression in exponential form is 5^11.

To simplify the expression (5^12/5) and leave the answer in exponential form, you can use the exponent rule which states that when you divide two numbers with the same base, you subtract their exponents.

Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Subtract the exponents: 12 - 1 = 11

Step 2: Rewrite the expression using the new exponent: 5^11

Therefore, the simplified expression is 5^11 in exponential form.