Simplify the following and leave your answer in exponential form


We can simplify this expression by cancelling out the common factor of 4 in the numerator and denominator. This simplifies the expression to:

(4^18)/(4^1) = 4^(18-1) = 4^17

So the simplified expression in exponential form is 4^17.

To simplify the expression (4^18/4) and write it in exponential form, we can use the rule that states a^m/a^n = a^(m-n).

In this case, we have 4^18/4, which can be rewritten as 4^(18-1) = 4^17.

Therefore, the expression 4^18/4 in exponential form is equal to 4^17.

To simplify the expression 4^18/4, we need to apply the properties of exponents.

The property we will use is:
a^m / a^n = a^(m-n)

In this case, we have 4^18 / 4, which can be rewritten as 4^(18-1) using the property mentioned above.

So, 4^18 / 4 = 4^(18-1) = 4^17.

Therefore, the simplified form of 4^18/4 is 4^17 in exponential form.