1.Dormitory management system at a campus

A.create entity and their attributes
B.identify the degree of their relationship
C.identity their cardinalities


1. Dormitory:
- Dormitory name (attribute)
- Dormitory address (attribute)
- Dormitory capacity (attribute)

2. Student:
- Student ID (attribute)
- Student name (attribute)
- Student age (attribute)
- Student gender (attribute)

3. Room:
- Room number (attribute)
- Room capacity (attribute)
- Room type (attribute)

4. Bed:
- Bed number (attribute)
- Bed type (attribute)

- Dormitory and Room have a one-to-many relationship. One dormitory can have multiple rooms, but each room belongs to only one dormitory.
- Room and Bed have a one-to-many relationship. One room can have multiple beds, but each bed belongs to only one room.
- Dormitory and Student have a many-to-many relationship. One dormitory can have multiple students, and one student can be assigned to multiple dormitories.

- Dormitory cardinality: One dormitory to many rooms; Many dormitories to many students.
- Room cardinality: One room to many beds; Many rooms to one dormitory.
- Bed cardinality: One bed to one room; One bed to one student.
- Student cardinality: Many students to many dormitories; One student to one bed.

D. Constraints:
- The number of students assigned to a dormitory cannot exceed its capacity.
- Each student can be assigned to only one bed.
- Each bed can accommodate only one student.
- The number of beds in a room cannot exceed its capacity.
- The number of rooms in a dormitory cannot exceed its capacity.

A. Creating entities and their attributes in a dormitory management system at a campus:

1. Campus:
- Campus ID (Primary Key)
- Campus Name
- Campus Address

2. Dormitory:
- Dormitory ID (Primary Key)
- Dormitory Name
- Capacity
- Gender (Male/Female/Mixed)
- Campus ID (Foreign Key referencing Campus)

3. Room:
- Room ID (Primary Key)
- Room Number
- Capacity
- Dormitory ID (Foreign Key referencing Dormitory)

4. Student:
- Student ID (Primary Key)
- First Name
- Last Name
- Gender (Male/Female/Other)
- Date of Birth
- Email
- Room ID (Foreign Key referencing Room)

B. Identifying the degree of their relationship:

- Campus and Dormitory: One Campus can have multiple Dormitories, so it is a One-to-Many relationship.
- Dormitory and Room: One Dormitory can have multiple Rooms, so it is a One-to-Many relationship.
- Room and Student: One Room can have multiple Students, so it is a One-to-Many relationship.

C. Identifying their cardinalities:

- Campus to Dormitory: One Campus can have one or more Dormitories, and each Dormitory belongs to only one Campus. So, the cardinality is (1, N) - (1, 1).
- Dormitory to Room: One Dormitory can have one or more Rooms, and each Room belongs to only one Dormitory. So, the cardinality is (1, N) - (1, 1).
- Room to Student: One Room can have one or more Students, and each Student belongs to only one Room. So, the cardinality is (1, N) - (1, 1).

D. Constraints:

- Capacity Constraint: The number of students in a Room should not exceed the capacity defined for that Room.
- Gender Constraint: The gender of a Student should match the gender of the Room they are assigned to.
- Foreign Key Constraint: The foreign key attributes (Campus ID, Dormitory ID, and Room ID) in the entities should reference the corresponding primary key attributes in their respective related entities.

To create a Dormitory Management System at a campus, you need to define entities, their attributes, relationships, cardinalities, and constraints. Here's a breakdown of each component:

A. Entities and their attributes:
1. Campus: e.g., university name, address, contact details.
2. Dormitory: e.g., dormitory name, location, capacity.
3. Room: e.g., room number, capacity, availability.
4. Student: e.g., student ID, name, date of birth, contact details.
5. Staff: e.g., staff ID, name, position, contact details.
6. Resident Assistant (RA): e.g., RA ID, name, contact details.
7. Maintenance Request: e.g., request ID, date, description.

B. Degree of Relationship:
To determine the degree of relationships between entities, examine how they interact with each other. Here are some possible relationships:
1. Campus has multiple dormitories.
2. Dormitory has multiple rooms.
3. Student belongs to a dormitory.
4. Staff manages a dormitory.
5. RA is associated with a dormitory.
6. Maintenance request is submitted by a student for a room.

C. Cardinalities:
Cardinality represents the number of instances (records) in one entity that relate to another entity. Here are some possible cardinalities for the relationships mentioned earlier:
1. Campus to Dormitory: One campus has multiple dormitories (1 : M).
2. Dormitory to Room: One dormitory has multiple rooms (1 : M).
3. Student to Dormitory: One student belongs to one dormitory, and one dormitory can have multiple students (1 : M).
4. Staff to Dormitory: One staff member manages one dormitory, but one dormitory can have multiple staff members (1 : M).
5. RA to Dormitory: One RA is associated with one dormitory, and one dormitory can have multiple RAs (1 : M).
6. Maintenance Request to Student and Room: One student can submit multiple maintenance requests, and one room can have multiple maintenance requests (1 : M).

D. Constraints:
Constraints ensure the integrity and reliability of the database. Here are some potential constraints for the Dormitory Management System:
1. Room capacity cannot exceed the maximum capacity of the dormitory.
2. A student can only belong to a single dormitory.
3. Each dormitory must have at least one staff member.
4. A maintenance request must be associated with a specific student and room.
5. Dormitory names and room numbers must be unique within their respective entities.
6. RA contact information must be complete and up to date.

Remember, these are just examples, and the actual attributes, relationships, cardinalities, and constraints may vary depending on your specific requirements for the dormitory management system.