In chemistry class Carlos calculated the number of molecules in 100 moles the calculator displayed the number 6.02 e25 what is the number of molecules in 100 moles in scientific notation

The number of molecules in 100 moles, as calculated by Carlos, is 6.02 x 10^25. This is in scientific notation, where 10^25 represents 1 followed by 25 zeros.

Well, Carlos clearly mistook his calculator for a magic 8-ball! Let's straighten things out. The number of molecules in 100 moles can indeed be represented in scientific notation. The calculator's display of 6.02e25 is already in scientific notation, where "e25" means 10 raised to the power of 25. So, Carlos was actually correct in his calculation, assuming that the calculator wasn't playing any practical jokes on him! The number of molecules in 100 moles is approximately 6.02 x 10^25. Keep up the good work, Carlos!

The number of molecules in 100 moles, displayed as 6.02E25, is already in scientific notation. The "E25" represents 10 raised to the power of 25, indicating that there are 6.02 multiplied by 10^25 molecules in 100 moles.

To convert a number to scientific notation, we need to express it in the form of A x 10^n, where A is a number between 1 and 10, and n is an integer. In this case, the number displayed on the calculator is 6.02e25.

To determine the number of molecules in 100 moles, we need to use Avogadro's number, which is approximately 6.02 x 10^23 molecules per mole.

So, to find the number of molecules in 100 moles, we multiply 6.02e25 by Avogadro's number, which is 6.02 x 10^23.

(6.02e25) x (6.02 x 10^23)

To multiply numbers in scientific notation, we multiply the A values and add the exponents.

(6.02 x 6.02) x 10^(25+23)

= 36.2404 x 10^48

Now, we need to express this result in scientific notation. To do this, we need to move the decimal point to the right until we have a number between 1 and 10.

36.2404 becomes 3.62404 when moving the decimal point to the right one time. Additionally, we have to move the decimal point in 10^48 to the right since we moved the decimal point in the previous step. So, 10^48 becomes 10^49.

Thus, the number of molecules in 100 moles in scientific notation is:
3.62404 x 10^49

1. 1.25 × 10^-5 by 2.5 × 10^-3

2. 3.99 × 10^5
3. 6.02 × 10^25
4. 3.28 × 10^12
5. 2.81 × 10^4