In chemistry class, Carlos calculated the number of molecules in 100 moles. The calculator displayed the number 6.02E25. What is the number of molecules in 100 moles in scientific notation? (1 point)

The number of molecules in 100 moles in scientific notation is 6.02 × 10^25.

Well, Carlos certainly calculated a big number of molecules there! In scientific notation, 6.02E25 means 6.02 times 10 raised to the power of 25. So, the number of molecules in 100 moles, in scientific notation, is 6.02 x 10^25. That's a whole lot of molecules! Just think of all the chemistry fun you could have with that many molecules.

The number of molecules in 100 moles can be written in scientific notation as 6.02 x 10^25.

To express the number of molecules in scientific notation, we need to convert the number 6.02E25 into scientific notation form.

Scientific notation is a way of writing very large or very small numbers in a more compact form. It consists of two parts: a coefficient and an exponent.

In this case, the coefficient is 6.02 and the exponent is 25.

To convert 6.02E25 into scientific notation, we multiply the 6.02 by 10 raised to the power of 25.

So, 6.02E25 = 6.02 x 10^25.

Therefore, the number of molecules in 100 moles in scientific notation is 6.02 x 10^25.