what is the number 5.9x10^5 written in decimal notion?

The number 5.9x10^5 written in decimal notation is 590,000.

To convert the number 5.9x10^5 to decimal notation, we need to multiply the number 5.9 by 10 to the power of 5.

To do this, we move the decimal point five places to the right:

5.9 becomes 590,000.

Therefore, the number 5.9x10^5 in decimal notation is 590,000.

To convert the number 5.9x10^5 to decimal notation, you need to multiply 5.9 by 10 raised to the power of 5.

Step 1: Multiply the number (5.9) by 10 raised to the power of the exponent (5).
5.9 * 10^5 = 590000

Therefore, the number 5.9x10^5 written in decimal notation is 590,000.