what is the numer 7.3x10^-8 written in decimal notion

The number 7.3x10^-8 can be written in decimal notation as 0.000000073.

To write the number 7.3x10^-8 in decimal notation, we can evaluate it by moving the decimal point 8 places to the left because of the negative exponent.

Starting with 7.3, we move the decimal point 8 places to the left: 0.000000073.

Therefore, the number 7.3x10^-8 in decimal notation is 0.000000073.

To write the number 7.3x10^-8 in decimal notation, we need to convert it from scientific notation to a regular decimal number.

First, we can start by understanding what the exponent -8 means. In scientific notation, the exponent tells us how many decimal places we need to move the decimal point to the left. A negative exponent means we move the decimal point to the left.

In this case, the exponent is -8, so we move the decimal point eight places to the left. Let's start with the number 7.3:


Now, we need to move the decimal point to the left by eight places:


So, the decimal notation for 7.3x10^-8 is 0.000000073.