madison planted her garden 2/5 and 3/7 tulips. what fraction of the plants in the garden are either marigold or tulips

To find the fraction of the plants in the garden that are either marigold or tulips, we need to know the fraction of marigold plants. Since this information is not given, we cannot determine the exact fraction of plants that are either marigold or tulips.

To determine the fraction of the plants in Madison's garden that are either marigold or tulips, we need some additional information. Could you please provide the fractions of marigold plants in Madison's garden?

To find the fraction of the plants in Madison's garden that are either marigold or tulips, we need to add the fractions representing the number of marigolds and tulips planted.

Let's start by finding a common denominator for 2/5 and 3/7.

The smallest number that both 5 and 7 divide evenly into is 35. So, we can express 2/5 as 14/35 and 3/7 as 15/35.

Now we can add the two fractions together:

14/35 + 15/35 = 29/35

Therefore, 29/35 of the plants in the garden are either marigold or tulips.