jim and alice moore decided to plant a garden with 3 hosta plants,6 lavender plants,60 tulips,and a dogwood.the cost of the plants is as follows. hosta: $3.00 each or 3 for $8.00 lavender:$ 1 00 each or 3 for $2.00 tulips:10 for $4.00 dogwood:$14.00 each

What is your question?

Hosta: 8.00

Lavender: 4.00
Tulips: 24.00
Dogwood: 14.00

Add those numbers together.

i am not sure ms sue

i got it the answer 3 $ 50 thanks


To calculate the total cost of the plants, we need to find the individual cost of each type of plant and multiply it by the number of plants.

Let's start with the hosta plants. The cost per hosta plant is $3.00 each, but there is also an option to buy 3 for $8.00. In this case, it is more cost-effective to buy 3 at once. So, Jim and Alice are buying 3 hosta plants for $8.00.

Next, let's move on to the lavender plants. The cost per lavender plant is $1.00 each, and there is an option to buy 3 for $2.00. Again, it is more cost-effective to buy 3 at once. Therefore, Jim and Alice are buying 6 lavender plants for $2.00.

Now, let's consider the tulips. The cost for 10 tulips is $4.00. To calculate the cost of 60 tulips, we need to determine how many sets of 10 tulips are required. Divide 60 by 10 to get the number of sets, which is 6. Therefore, Jim and Alice are buying 60 tulips for $4.00 per set, which gives a total cost of 6 times $4.00.

Lastly, there is a dogwood plant, which costs $14.00 each. Jim and Alice are buying 1 dogwood plant.

To determine the total cost of the garden, we add up the costs of all the plants:

Cost of hosta plants: $8.00
Cost of lavender plants: $2.00
Cost of tulips: 6 times $4.00
Cost of dogwood: $14.00

Add all these costs together to find the total cost of the plants.