What is the largest distortion in a Winkel Tripel projection?(1 point)

the latitude and longitude lines
the latitude and longitude lines

the area of land masses
the area of land masses

the distance between locations
the distance between locations

the relative shape and size of land masses

the relative shape and size of land masses

The largest distortion in a Winkel Tripel projection is in the relative shape and size of land masses.

In a Winkel Tripel projection, the largest distortion is generally observed in the relative shape and size of land masses. This means that the projection may not accurately represent the true shapes and sizes of countries or continents. To understand this, you can compare the projection to a globe or a different map projection that better preserves shape and size, such as the Mercator projection or the Robinson projection. By comparing different representations, you can observe and quantify the distortions in the Winkel Tripel projection.