The local time of town a , located at longitude 70 degrees east and latitude 45 degrees north is 7:46pm calculate the longitude of town b on the same latitude when local time is 5:30am

How did you work it


Log A 70 E Log B 45n
| |
| |
5.30am <------- 7.40
=1276n :2 = 210
------ = 2hrs
Answer Is = 2.00am

104 degrees east

To calculate the longitude of town B on the same latitude when the local time is 5:30 am, we need to determine the time difference between town A and B and then convert it into degrees.

To find the time difference, we subtract the local times of both towns:
7:46 pm - 5:30 am

Town A is 2 hours and 16 minutes ahead of Town B.

Next, we convert the time difference into degrees of longitude.

Since 24 hours corresponds to 360 degrees of longitude (360°), we can calculate the number of degrees in one hour:
360° / 24 hours = 15° per hour.

Now that we know there are 15° per hour, we calculate the longitude difference between town A and B:

2 hours * 15° per hour = 30°
16 minutes * (15° / 60 minutes) = 4°

So, the longitude of town B is 30° + 4° = 34° east.

The answer is 144degree west