Use long division to convert 6 7/15 to a decimal


To convert the mixed number 6 7/15 to a decimal, we need to divide the numerator (107) by the denominator (15).

First, write the fraction as an improper fraction:

6 7/15 = (6 * 15 + 7) / 15 = 97/15

Using long division, divide 97 by 15:

15 | 97
- 90
- 60
- 90

So, 6 7/15 converted to a decimal is approximately 6.4666...

Chooose the correct andswer to the most recent question i asked u





The correct answer is ≈6.47

A pilot is flying an airplane. Due to strong winds, the pilot decides to fly 4,000 feet lower to avoid excessive turbulence. It takes the pilot 3.5 minutes to make this adjustment. Interpret the quotient to describe the rate of change in the plane’s altitude. Give your answer to the nearest hundredth, and remember the plane is descending

To interpret the quotient to describe the rate of change in the plane's altitude, we need to divide the change in altitude by the time it took to make that adjustment.

The change in altitude is 4,000 feet (since the plane is descending).

The time it took to make the adjustment is 3.5 minutes.

To find the rate of change, we divide the change in altitude by the time:

Rate of change = change in altitude / time

Rate of change = 4,000 feet / 3.5 minutes

Rate of change ≈ 1142.86 feet/minute

Interpreting to the nearest hundredth, the rate of change in the plane's altitude is approximately 1142.86 feet per minute while descending.

Choose a right asnwer


The correct answer from the given options is 15.

Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing signed numbers to solve:(−4)×(7/5)×(−34)÷(7 1/5) Fractions

To solve the expression (-4) x (7/5) x (-34) ÷ (7 1/5), we can follow these steps:

First, let's simplify the expression by converting all the mixed numbers into improper fractions:

(-4) x (7/5) x (-34) ÷ (7 + 1/5)

(-4) x (7/5) x (-34) ÷ (36/5)

Next, multiply and divide from left to right:

(-4) x (7/5) = -28/5

(-28/5) x (-34) = 952/5

Finally, divide by (36/5):

(952/5) ÷ (36/5) = (952/5) x (5/36) = 952/36

At this point, we can simplify the fraction by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) between 952 and 36.

The GCD of 952 and 36 is 4.

Dividing both the numerator and the denominator by 4 gives us:

952/4 ÷ 36/4 = 238/9

So the solution to the expression (-4) x (7/5) x (-34) ÷ (7 1/5) is 238/9.

Wrong? Try again

Apologies for the mistake.

Let's solve the expression (-4) × (7/5) × (-34) ÷ (7 1/5) correctly:

First, let's simplify the expression by converting the mixed number into an improper fraction:

7 1/5 = (7 × 5 + 1)/5 = 36/5

Now, substitute the values back into the expression:

(-4) × (7/5) × (-34) ÷ (36/5)

To multiply the signed numbers, multiply the magnitudes and determine the sign:

(-4) × (7/5) × (-34) = (4) × (7/5) × (34) = (4) × (7) × (34/5) = 952/5

To divide by a fraction, multiply by the reciprocal:

952/5 ÷ 36/5 = 952/5 × 5/36 = (952 × 5)/(5 × 36) = 4760/180 = 119/9

So, the correct solution to the expression (-4) × (7/5) × (-34) ÷ (7 1/5) is 119/9.

Choose an correct answer, fractions





The correct answer is -147/75.

Which of the following ratios is equivalent to 3/2 Fraction,


The correct equivalent ratio to 3/2 fraction is 9/6.

Cody and Aria are painting a mural. They decide they want part of the mural to have a purple background. Aria uses 7 tbsp. of blue to 2 tbsp. of red to make her purple paint. Cody is planning to use more and uses 21 tbsp. of blue to 6 tbsp. of red. Are their ratios of purple mixture equivalent to one another's?

To determine if Cody's ratio of purple mixture is equivalent to Aria's ratio, we can simplify both ratios and see if they are equal.

Aria's ratio: 7 tbsp. of blue to 2 tbsp. of red
Cody's ratio: 21 tbsp. of blue to 6 tbsp. of red

Let's simplify Aria's ratio first:
7 tbsp. of blue ÷ 2 tbsp. of red = 3.5

Now, let's simplify Cody's ratio:
21 tbsp. of blue ÷ 6 tbsp. of red = 3.5

Since both ratios simplify to the same value of 3.5, we can conclude that Cody's ratio of purple mixture is equivalent to Aria's ratio.