Use long division to convert 3/16 to a decimal.



To convert 3/16 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Write down the fraction 3/16.
2. Set up the long division problem with 3 as the dividend and 16 as the divisor. Place the decimal point directly above the division symbol (Ă·) in the dividend.
3. Divide the first digit (3) of the dividend by the divisor (16). The result is 0 with a remainder of 3.
4. Bring down the next digit (0). Now the new dividend is 30.
5. Divide 30 by 16. The result is 1 with a remainder of 14.
6. Bring down the next digit (0) and add it to the remainder. Now the new dividend is 140.
7. Divide 140 by 16. The result is 8 with a remainder of 8.
8. Bring down the next digit (0) and add it to the remainder. Now the new dividend is 80.
9. Divide 80 by 16. The result is 5 with a remainder of 0.
10. Since there is no remainder left, the division is complete.
11. The final result is the quotient obtained from the divisions: 3/16 = 0.1875.

Therefore, 3/16 as a decimal is 0.1875.

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Guys @Nunya is correct i just got 100 on both the quick checks so anyways good luck guys and dont forget god loves you!! <3

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0.2 is already in decimal form.

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use long division to convert 5 3/16 to a decimal