Use long division to convert 5 3/16 to a decimal.

That’s not right

1. 0.54

2. 3.375
3. ~ .27
4. ~ .63
5. 5.1875

To convert the mixed number 5 3/16 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the mixed number as an improper fraction. To do this, multiply the whole number (5) by the denominator of the fraction (16), then add the numerator (3). The result is the numerator of the new fraction, which is 83. Keep the denominator (16) the same.

Step 2: Perform long division. Divide 83 by 16, and write down the quotient (the result of division) above the division bar. Also, write 16 as the denominator of the fraction to the right of the division bar.

16 | 83

Step 3: Start the long division process by dividing 16 into the first digit of the dividend (83). The result is 5. Write this above the division bar, just right next to the quotient you previously wrote.

16 | 83
- 80

Step 4: Multiply the divisor (16) by the quotient (5) and subtract it from the portion of the dividend you have already dealt with. Write the result (which is the difference) below the dividend line.

16 | 83
- 80

Step 5: Bring down the next digit from the dividend (3). Bring it down next to the remainder (3).

16 | 83
- 80
3 3

Step 6: Divide 16 into the new partial dividend (33). The result is 2. Write this above the division bar.

16 | 83
- 80

Step 7: Bring down the next digit from the dividend (6). Bring it down next to the remainder (1).

16 | 83
- 80

Step 8: Divide 16 into the new partial dividend (16). The result is 1. Write this above the division bar.

16 | 83
- 80

Step 9: Since there is no remainder left, and the quotient is complete, the division process is finished.

Step 10: Write down the quotient as a decimal. The quotient is 5.218.

Therefore, 5 3/16 as a decimal is 5.218.

Use long division to convert 5 3/16 to a decimal.


To convert the mixed number 5 3/16 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Write down the mixed number as a fraction: 5 3/16 = (5 * 16 + 3)/16 = 83/16.

2. Set up the long division with 83 as the dividend and 16 as the divisor:

____ 5. 1 8 7 5
16 | 8 3
- 8 0
3 0

3. Divide the first digit of the dividend (8) by the divisor (16). The quotient is 0.

4. Bring down the next digit (3) from the dividend to the remainder.

5. Divide the new dividend (30) by the divisor (16). The quotient is 1.

6. Multiply the divisor (16) by the quotient (1) to get 16.

7. Subtract 16 from 30 to get the remainder: 30 - 16 = 14.

8. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0) to the remainder.

9. Divide the new dividend (140) by the divisor (16). The quotient is 8.

10. Multiply the divisor (16) by the quotient (8) to get 128.

11. Subtract 128 from 140 to get the remainder: 140 - 128 = 12.

12. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0) to the remainder.

13. Divide the new dividend (120) by the divisor (16). The quotient is 7.

14. Multiply the divisor (16) by the quotient (7) to get 112.

15. Subtract 112 from 120 to get the remainder: 120 - 112 = 8.

16. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (0) to the remainder.

17. Divide the new dividend (80) by the divisor (16). The quotient is 5.

18. Multiply the divisor (16) by the quotient (5) to get 80.

19. Subtract 80 from 80 to get the remainder: 80 - 80 = 0.

20. There is no more digit to bring down. The remainder is 0.

21. The quotient is the decimal form of the mixed number: 5 3/16 in decimal form is 5.1875.

To convert a mixed number to a decimal, we need to use long division. Here's how you can do it:

1. Write down the mixed number 5 3/16 as a fraction.
5 3/16 = (5 * 16 + 3) / 16 = 83/16

2. Perform long division by dividing the numerator (83) by the denominator (16) to get the quotient and remainder.
Start by dividing 83 by 16. The quotient is the whole number, and the remainder will be used for further calculation.

5. ____
16 | 83

The division starts with 5 as the quotient and 83 as the dividend. Divide 16 into 83 as many times as possible, starting from the left.

5. ____ R = 3
16 | 83
- 80

The remainder is 3. We can't divide 16 into 3, so we bring down the next digit (0) from the dividend to continue the division.

5. ____ R = 3
16 | 83
- 80

3. Bring down the next digit (0) and append it to the remainder to continue the division.

5. ____
16 | 830

Now we divide 16 into 30.

5. ____ R = 38
16 | 830
- 80
- 288

The remainder is 128. We bring down another 0 from the dividend to continue the division.

5. ____
16 | 8300

Again, we divide 16 into 128.

5. ____ R = 12
16 | 8300
- 80
- 160

The remainder is 0, indicating that the division is complete. The quotient is 5, and there is no remainder. Therefore, we can say that 5 3/16 as a decimal is 5.1875.

Therefore, 5 3/16 is equivalent to 5.1875 as a decimal.