Use long division to convert 6 7/15 to a decimal fractions

To convert the mixed number 6 7/15 to a decimal fraction using long division, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the mixed number as an improper fraction.
6 7/15 is equivalent to (6 * 15 + 7)/15 = 97/15.

Step 2: Perform long division to divide 97 by 15.
First, divide 97 by 15.
The quotient is 6 (since 15 can be divided into 97 six times without remainder).

15| 97

Now, bring down the remainder 7.

Step 3: Insert a decimal point to the right of the quotient (6) and add a zero after the remainder (7).
The divided quotient becomes 6.0, and the remainder becomes 70.

Step 4: Continue long division by dividing 70 by 15.
The quotient is 4 (since 15 can be divided into 70 four times without remainder).

15| 97

Now, bring down the next digit from the dividend (10).

Step 5: Continue long division by dividing 105 by 15.
The quotient is 0 since 15 cannot be divided into 10 anymore.

15| 97

Step 6: Since there is no remainder, the division is complete.

Therefore, the decimal representation of 6 7/15 is 6.47.

To convert the mixed number 6 7/15 to a decimal fraction using long division, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Rewrite the mixed number as an improper fraction.
6 7/15 = (6 * 15 + 7) / 15 = 97/15

Step 2: Perform long division.
Divide 97 by 15.

15 | 97

- 90
- 60
- 90

Step 3: Continue dividing until the decimal portion repeats or terminates. The decimal fraction is obtained by placing a decimal point after the quotient's whole number part and following it with the decimal portion obtained from the long division.

The quotient is 6.4, and the decimal portion continues with the value 6 (after the decimal point). So, we can round it off to the desired precision or leave it as is.

Therefore, 6 7/15 as a decimal is approximately 6.4.