Which of the following is a skill you can practice to improve your self-esteem?

Recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses
Always think you should succeed at everything you try
Be concerned about what others think of you
Hide your insecurities from others

Recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses

The skill you can practice to improve your self-esteem is recognizing your strengths as well as your weaknesses.

The skill you can practice to improve your self-esteem is to recognize your strengths as well as your weaknesses. By acknowledging your abilities and positive qualities, you can develop a more balanced and realistic view of yourself. This skill can be cultivated by following these steps:

1. Self-reflection: Take some time to think about your strengths and what you excel at. Consider your achievements, skills, talents, and personal qualities that you are proud of. Write them down if it helps to solidify them in your mind.

2. Acceptance of weaknesses: It's essential to recognize that everyone has weaknesses and areas for improvement. Instead of beating yourself up over them, understand that they are a natural part of being human. By accepting them, you can focus on self-improvement without judgment.

3. Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to reaffirm your worth and capabilities. Repeat statements such as "I am competent," "I am worthy of love and respect," or "I am confident in my abilities." This practice can gradually shift your mindset and build self-esteem.

4. Celebrate achievements: Whenever you accomplish something, big or small, take the time to celebrate and acknowledge your success. This helps reinforce feelings of self-worth and confidence.

5. Surround yourself with positive support: Seek out relationships and friendships with individuals who uplift and support you. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can significantly impact your self-esteem.

Remember, self-esteem is built over time, and it requires consistent practice and self-care. By recognizing your strengths and accepting your weaknesses, you can cultivate a healthy and positive self-perception.